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Top Games that Use Immutable Ethereum Listed on Epic Games Store


Top Games that Use Immutable Ethereum Listed on Epic Games Store | Bitcoinsensus main


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Explore the Future of Gaming with Immutable’s Technology

  • Immutable’s blockchain technology transforms on-chain interactions, bringing speed and cost-effectiveness to Epic Games Store titles.
  • Featured games like Avalon, Blocklords, and Illuvium redefine ownership with NFTs, promising unique gaming experiences.
  • The diverse lineup showcases blockchain’s impact on mainstream gaming, introducing a new era of player empowerment and digital asset ownership.

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Games incorporating Immutable’s technology have surged in popularity, marking a significant trend in the gaming industry. The adoption of Immutable’s solutions has enabled faster and more cost-effective on-chain interactions, offering a compelling alternative to the Ethereum mainnet. A noteworthy development in this landscape is the increasing presence of such games on the Epic Games Store, a prominent platform for PC gaming. This shift underscores the industry’s recognition of the advantages provided by Immutable’s technology and its integration into mainstream gaming markets. As we delve into the list of games utilizing Immutable on the Epic Games Store, the impact of blockchain technology on the gaming experience becomes increasingly evident.

Overview of Immutable Blockchain Games on Epic Games Store

Immutable’s blockchain technology has become a game-changer, offering notable advantages in terms of speed and cost-effectiveness for on-chain interactions. The use of Immutable networks has proven instrumental in addressing the challenges posed by the Ethereum mainnet, providing a more efficient alternative.

Turning our attention to the Epic Games Store, a significant array of games has embraced Immutable’s technology. These games leverage the inherent benefits of Immutable networks, showcasing a commitment to enhancing the gaming experience through improved transaction speeds and reduced costs associated with on-chain interactions. As we explore these titles, it becomes clear that Immutable’s integration into the Epic Games Store is shaping a new era for blockchain gaming, offering players a seamless and economical way to engage with decentralized experiences.

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Featured Games on Epic Games Store:

1. Blocklords:

Blocklords, currently available in early access, stands as a testament to the growing trend of integrating blockchain in gaming. Positioned as a top-down medieval strategy and simulation MMO, Blocklords introduces players to a multifaceted experience. Town management, strategic decision-making, and interactive story events shape the gameplay. What sets it apart is the utilization of Immutable X and Polygon blockchains, offering optional NFTs. These digital assets empower players to enhance their gameplay, providing a tangible sense of ownership within the gaming ecosystem.

2. Avalon:

Avalon, an enticing addition to the Epic Games Store slated for release in 2024, brings forth a captivating open-world medieval MMORPG experience. Powered by the Immutable blockchain zkEVM, this game introduces a novel approach to in-game assets by transforming characters, mounts, buildings, and forges into NFTs. Players will immerse themselves in a world where ownership and uniqueness intertwine, creating an environment where every digital entity is a tradable and valuable asset.

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3. Metalcore:

Metalcore, a sci-fi first-person shooter and mecha operation game, takes center stage in the Early Access section of the Epic Games Store. The game’s integration with the Immutable zkEVM blockchain ensures the security and uniqueness of its NFTs, which include vehicles, weapons, and crafting items. As players engage in futuristic battles, the blockchain technology underpinning Metalcore introduces a layer of transparency and trust, reshaping the dynamics of ownership and value within the gaming community.

4. Space Nation Online:

Space Nation Online, an MMORPG featuring the acclaimed director Roland Emmerich, offers an expansive universe with diverse races and star systems. While not explicitly labeled as a blockchain game on the Epic store, the planned blockchain version hints at the inclusion of NFTs on the Immutable zkEVM network. This strategic move towards blockchain integration showcases a commitment to enhancing player experiences, providing them with true ownership of in-game assets.

5. Delysium:

Delysium ventures into the futuristic realm of sci-fi MMORPGs, blending blockchain and artificial intelligence seamlessly. Beyond its immersive gameplay, Delysium introduces the ERC-20 AGI governance token, a unique feature allowing players to participate in shaping the game’s evolution through voting. Scheduled for a 2025 release on the Epic Games Store, Delysium embodies the convergence of cutting-edge technologies, promising an experience where player engagement goes beyond mere gameplay.

6. Illuvium:

Illuvium, an open-world exploration and NFT pet auto-battle game, stands out for its ambitious combination of two distinct games within one title. The Overworld offers a third-person sci-fi exploration adventure, while the Arena introduces pet auto-battle mechanics. The game utilizes the Immutable X blockchain for its in-game NFTs, providing players with tangible ownership of their digital assets. Operating on a free-to-play model with optional NFTs, Illuvium exemplifies the evolving landscape of gaming where blockchain enhances user experiences without compromising accessibility.

7. The Bornless:

The Bornless, an upcoming horror first-person shooter, entices players with promises of supernatural abilities and chilling gameplay. Despite not currently listed as a blockchain game on the Epic store, The Bornless plans to introduce optional NFTs upon its release in 2024. This marriage of horror-themed gameplay and blockchain technology represents a forward-thinking approach, where digital assets become an integral part of the gaming narrative, adding layers of complexity and uniqueness to the player experience.

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More Games Coming

The Epic Games Store boasts a growing lineup of games incorporating Immutable for their crypto elements. From the fantasy MMORPG Age of Zalmoxis to the card game The Lost Glitches, the plane crash adventure Aviatrix, the monster fighter Chain Monsters, and the shooting game Citizen Conflict, these titles contribute to the expanding frontier of blockchain integration in mainstream gaming.

Honorable Mention: Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained, Immutable’s NFT trading card game released in 2018, saw a brief stint on the Epic Games Store in June 2023. However, its subsequent removal has stirred speculation about potential concerns related to being perceived as a form of “gambling.” As we await clarification from Epic Games and Immutable, Gods Unchained’s journey highlights the challenges and considerations surrounding the integration of blockchain-based games into mainstream digital marketplaces. The intrigue surrounding its removal prompts a closer examination of the evolving perceptions and regulations within the gaming industry.


In conclusion, the integration of blockchain technology into gaming, as witnessed on the Epic Games Store, marks a transformative era in the industry. The impact of blockchain is far-reaching, reshaping the way players interact with and perceive digital gaming experiences. Immutable’s technology, in particular, has emerged as a pivotal force, offering benefits such as increased transaction speed, reduced costs, and enhanced ownership within the gaming ecosystem.

The diverse range of games utilizing Immutable’s technology on the Epic Games Store underscores the versatility and adaptability of blockchain within various gaming genres. From medieval MMORPGs like Avalon to futuristic shooters like Metalcore, each title represents a unique fusion of traditional gaming and decentralized technology. This amalgamation not only introduces novel gameplay mechanics but also fosters a sense of ownership and value for in-game assets through the use of NFTs.

As we navigate this landscape, it becomes evident that blockchain is not merely a technological addition but a paradigm shift that democratizes ownership and introduces a new layer of trust and transparency. Players are no longer mere participants; they become stakeholders in the virtual worlds they inhabit.

The Epic Games Store, as a major player in the gaming marketplace, serves as a key enabler for the mainstream adoption of blockchain gaming. The presence of Immutable-powered titles within its catalogue signifies a strategic recognition of the technology’s potential to enhance the gaming experience and engage a broader audience.

In essence, the games leveraging Immutable’s technology on the Epic Games Store demonstrate that blockchain is not confined to a niche but has become an integral aspect of the gaming landscape. The industry is in the midst of a profound shift, and as more games embrace blockchain, we can anticipate a future where player empowerment, digital asset ownership, and innovative gaming experiences coalesce to redefine the very essence of interactive entertainment.


Q1: What is Immutable’s technology, and how does it impact gaming on the Epic Games Store?

A: Immutable’s technology is a blockchain solution that significantly influences gaming on the Epic Games Store. It enhances on-chain interactions, offering faster transaction speeds and reduced costs compared to the Ethereum mainnet. This impact is noticeable in various games on the Epic Games Store, introducing a new layer of ownership and value through the integration of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Q2: What makes Avalon unique among the featured games?

A: Avalon, an open-world medieval MMORPG, stands out for its integration with the Immutable blockchain zkEVM. This not only ensures faster and more cost-effective on-chain interactions but also introduces a groundbreaking concept of transforming in-game entities such as characters, mounts, buildings, and forges into NFTs, revolutionizing the ownership paradigm in gaming.

Q3: How does Blocklords utilize Immutable’s technology, and what sets it apart?

A: Blocklords, a top-down medieval strategy MMO, employs Immutable X and Polygon blockchains for optional NFTs. This integration provides players with unique in-game assets, enhancing their strategic gameplay. The use of Immutable technology ensures the security and transparency of these digital assets, contributing to a distinctive gaming experience.

Q4: What is the significance of blockchain integration in Delysium?

A: Delysium, a sci-fi MMORPG, not only incorporates blockchain elements but also introduces the ERC-20 AGI governance token. This token empowers players to influence the game’s development through voting. Expected to launch in 2025 on the Epic Games Store, Delysium showcases the potential of blockchain in shaping player engagement and game evolution.

Q5: How does Illuvium combine open-world exploration and NFT pet auto-battle gameplay?

A: Illuvium offers a dual gaming experience by combining the Overworld, a third-person sci-fi exploration game, with the Arena, a pet auto-battle title. Utilizing the Immutable X blockchain for optional NFTs, Illuvium introduces a free-to-play model, allowing players to explore a vast, customizable world while owning unique in-game assets.

Q6: What role does blockchain play in Metalcore’s gameplay?

A: Metalcore, a sci-fi first-person shooter, incorporates Immutable’s zkEVM blockchain to host its NFTs, including vehicles, weapons, and crafting items. As a game currently in Early Access on the Epic Games Store, Metalcore leverages blockchain technology to ensure transparency and uniqueness in the ownership of in-game assets.

Q7: Does Space Nation Online explicitly mention blockchain integration on the Epic Games Store?

A: While Space Nation Online’s Epic Games Store listing doesn’t explicitly state blockchain integration, a blockchain version is planned. This version will offer NFTs on the Immutable zkEVM network, hinting at the game’s commitment to integrating blockchain for enhanced player experiences and asset ownership.

Q8: What distinguishes The Bornless in terms of optional NFTs?

A: The Bornless, an upcoming horror first-person shooter, plans to introduce optional NFTs upon its release in 2024. Despite not being explicitly listed as a blockchain game on the Epic store, The Bornless aims to combine supernatural gameplay with unique ownership opportunities through the integration of blockchain technology.

Q9: Are there more games leveraging Immutable’s technology coming to the Epic Games Store?

A: Yes, several other games, including Age of Zalmoxis, The Lost Glitches, Aviatrix, Chain Monsters, and Citizen Conflict, are listed on the Epic Games Store and incorporate Immutable for their crypto elements. This indicates a growing trend of blockchain adoption across various gaming genres.

Q10: Why was Gods Unchained briefly on the Epic Games Store, and why was it removed?

A: Gods Unchained, Immutable’s NFT trading card game, was briefly on the Epic Games Store in June 2023 but has since been removed. Speculation suggests concerns related to being perceived as a form of “gambling.” Further clarification is awaited from Epic Games and Immutable, shedding light on the challenges faced by blockchain games in mainstream marketplaces.

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